Slimane KHAYI
Recruitement year at INRA
Research Unit
Scientific Department
Regional Center

Brief Biography and or accomplishements

I'm currently working as researcher at the Moroccan National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). During my doctoral and postdoctoral stages, I worked on the soft rot pathogens Pectobacterium and Dickeya exploring multiple aspects such as genomics, evolution, virulence and ecology. My current projects are focused on the genomics of endemic species Argania spinosa and the date palm pathogen Fusarium oxysporum. For the first area of research, we are taking advantages of the development of NGS technologies and genome-based approaches to highlight the genome patrimony of this precious species. wherase for the FOA, we are building a whole genome reference sequence of the pathogen in order to understant the molecular mechanisms underpinning pathogenicity on the host and to developp effecient diagnosis tools.


  • Moelcular diagnosis
  • NGS
  • Molecular Markers
  • sequencing

Professional Appointments

    Position Title Program Title Project Year

Awards and honors

    Select Type Subject Year

Degress held

    Degrees Year Discipline College/institute University City/ Country
    Phd 2015 Molecular and computational Biology Université Paris-Saclay Orsay/France

List of the recent publications