Impact de la recherche agricole de l’INRA

Moussaoui M., Al Balghiti A., Dahan R., El Mourid M. et Kradi C. INRA Edition. 84 pages.

Impact de la recherche agricole de l’INRA.

Moussaoui M., Al Balghiti A., Dahan R., El Mourid M. et Kradi C. INRA Edition. 84 pages.

How anthropogenic changes may affect soil-borne parasite diversity? Plant-parasitic nematode communities associated with olive trees in Morocco as a case study

Ali N; Tavoillot J; Besnard G, Khadari B, Dmowska E, Winiszewska G, Fossati O, Ater M, Aït Hamza M, El Mousadik A, El Oualkadi A, Moukhli A, El bakkali A, Chapuis E, and Mateille T. (2017). How anthropogenic changes may affect soil-borne parasite diversity? Plant-parasitic nematode communities associated with olive trees in Morocco as a case study. BMC Ecology 17(4)·

Assessment Of The Groundwater Salinity Used For Irrigation And Risks Of Soil Degradation In Souss- Massa, Morocco

El Oumlouki K., Moussadek R., Douaik A., Iaaich H., Dakak H., Chati M.T., Ghanimi A., El Midaoui A., El Amrani M., Zouahri A.  Irrigation and Drainage, Special Issue “Sustainable Development Of Tidal Areas".

"Regeneration of Anthylliscytisoides L. from cotyledonary nodes and effect of seeds morphology on the germination rate of spontaneous shrub in eastern region of Moroccan".

Sabre, I.A., Acherkouk, M., Aberkani, K., Maatougui, A., M. Melhaoui & Haloui, B. (2017): "Regeneration of Anthylliscytisoides L.