Antifungal potential of the Seed and Leaf Foeniculum vulgare Mill essential Oil in liquid and vapor phase against phytopathogenic fungi

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Antifungal potential of the Seed and Leaf Foeniculum vulgare Mill essential Oil in liquid and vapor phase against phytopathogenic fungi

Sellam, K., Bammou, M., Ramchoun, M., Khalid, S., Mohamed, B., Mhamed, R., Tariq, B. E. D., Fatima, J. A., Laila, N., & Lhoussaine, E. R. (2015). Antifungal potential of the Seed and Leaf Foeniculum vulgare Mill essential Oil in liquid and vapor phase against phytopathogenic fungi. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science5(11), 050-054.

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