Abdelghani Nabloussi
Coordinateur d’UR
Recruitement year at INRA
Research Unit
Scientific Department
Regional Center

Brief Biography and or accomplishements

Doctor Abdelghani Nabloussi has been responsible of rapeseed breeding program since 1993. In 2001-2004, he achieved his doctoral thesis on Ethiopian mustard mutants’ development and characterization. In 2005, he launched a new breeding program on autumn sunflower and safflower. In 2013, he began a research on sesame landraces characterization and evaluation. He is mainly working on germplasms and varieties development and is leading and coordinating several projects on related themes. He has developed many germplasms and released several varieties of rapeseed, Ethiopian mustard, safflower and sesame. Author of a scientific book on Rapeseed Breeding in Morocco and co-author of two technical guides on rapeseed and safflower. Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific articles and 60 proceedings of national and international conferences. Also, he is reviewer for many prestigious international scientific journals. Member of the International Sunflower Association (ISA) and winner of two international grants, from International Fund for Science (IFS, Sweden) and Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI, Spain), and two patents for invention of various Ethiopian mustard lines with contrasted fatty acid profiles. He is winner of the award ‘Grand Prix Hassan II-edition 2015’ for his work on rapeseed breeding and varieties release.


  • Plant breeding
  • Selection
  • Varieties release
  • Oilseed crops
  • Abiotic stress

Professional Appointments

    Position Title Program Title Project Year
    chercheur Oilseed Crops Breeding - Rapeseed: Germplasm introduction and characterization; hybridization and mutagenesis breeding for seed yield, oil content and quality, and drought tolerance. - Autumn Sunflower: Breeding for cold tolerance and germplasm selection. - Safflower: Germplasm introduction, characterization and conserv... 1993 - Today
    coordinateur Plant Breeding and Plant Genetic Resources Conservation - Cereals Breeding and Germplasm Conservation - Food Legumes Breeding and Germplasm Conservation - Oilseed Crops Breeding and Germplasm Conservation - Olive Genetic Resources Characterization, Evaluation and Selection - Fruit Trees Genetic Resources Characterization, Evaluation and Selection 2013 - Today

Awards and honors

    Select Type Subject Year
    award_honors Development and registration of the first Moroccan canola varieties 2015
    registered_variety_animal Selection and registration of six rapeseed varieties in the ONSSA Official Catalogue. 2008 - 2018
    patent Two patents for invention of various Ethiopian mustard mutant lines. 2003
    award_honors Grant from Agencia Espanola de Cooperacion International 'AECI' 2001
    award_honors Grant from Interbational Foundation for Science 'IFS' 2009

Degress held

    Degrees Year Discipline College/institute University City/ Country
    PhD 2004 Plant Breeding and Genetic Engineering Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (IAS-CSIC) University of Cordoba Spain
    Agronomist Engineer 1992 Plant Breeding Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II Rabat, Morocco

List of the recent publications